Tuesday, March 16, 2010

19 Week Ultrasound

Here are the most recent pictures of little peanut. The doctors said everything looked good and normal, which we were happy to hear. At the end of the day, all that Jason and I want is a healthy baby :) It was fun to watch peanut wiggle around and cover his/her face with those tiny little fingers. For most of the exam, peanut had its legs crossed "indian style" and was lying face down. I wonder if he/she will sleep like that as a baby too... We're scheduled for another ultrasound in 4 weeks, so we'll have new pictures on April 12th!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Telling Our Families the Big News

Here's the video that Jason and I created to tell our families the big news! We thought that everyone would know what we were up to about halfway through the video, but to our surprise, it took everyone until the end to figure it out! I can still hear the screams of surprise and excitement, see the happy tears, and remember all the hugs and kisses. It was such a fun way to tell those closest to us, and I know we'll both remember those moments forever.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Peanut's 12 Week Sonogram Pictures

Here are the sonogram pictures when I was about 12 weeks pregnant.  What a big difference!  Jason and I got to watch Peanut flailing around and were amazed that I couldn't feel any of that activity! Jason had his mouth open the whole time, in disbelief that Peanut was throwing herself/himself around; it looked like she/he was trying to do back flips!  peanut would do her/his dive backwards and then slowly swish back and forth, down, down, down...and then do it all over again!  It was pretty amazing.

Peanut's 7 Week Sonogram Pictures

Here are the first two pictures of Peanut that we got when we were around 7 weeks pregnant, just before telling our families the big news at Christmastime.  Peanut got it's name from the sonogram technician who simply commented that it looked like a little peanut!  We thought the name was perfect, and that's what we've been lovingly calling our baby-to-be ever since.