Friday, April 16, 2010

Sharon Hospital & Childbirth Education Class

This past Tuesday Jason and I went to our first of four childbirth education classes. It's a bit early for us to be going, since most of the couples there are due in May or June, but we wont be able to make the other sessions offered, so we're going to this one. I can't say we left there learning much new, but the best part was getting a tour of the Birthing Suites. The hospital renovated the Women's Center three years ago and the facilities are beautiful. There are six private rooms where we'll be for the labor, delivery, recovery and the time after birth until discharge. The room has floor to ceiling wooden cabinets that keep all of the medical equipment out of sight, a pull out couch for Jason, flat screen TV, and private bathroom & shower. It feels more like a hotel room than a hospital room, and has an awesome view of the mountains. It's got such a calming feel to it and we're really excited after getting the tour. I wish I would have gotten a picture of the room (the pictures posted here were taken from their website)! There's also a room down the hall with a whirlpool tub that I can use during labor, which sounds awesome; I have a funny feeling I'll be taking them up on that option, as long as I'm not too far along.

And for our family & friends, there's a comfy waiting area with a flat screen TV, couches and overstuffed chairs, and even an internet work station; they also have an awesome view of the mountains.

We feel very lucky to have such a great facility to have our baby in and it's only 10 minutes away! I'm feeling much more excited, and much less nervous, after having gone to the hospital and seen what it's like there. August will be here before we know it!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Peanut's 23 Week Ultrasound

Today we had another ultrasound and got a chance to see little peanut again. Everything measured normally and looked great! The ultrasound technician said the baby weighed around 1 lb. 6 oz. The coolest part had to be when we got to see peanut looking right at us; he/she was looking right at us (we could see the lens of it's eye moving around) and even saw him/her blink! We got this great profile picture of the baby to take home with us. We think it's the cutest picture yet!

We have another check-up with the ob/gyn next Monday 4/19. Most likely it will be an uneventful visit, but if there is anything to report I'll post it here after our appointment. The only other news is that I am feeling the baby kick and move around every day, several times a day. Jason hasn't been able to feel the baby move yet, but we're hoping he can soon. He's being a very patient papa :)