Monday, April 12, 2010

Peanut's 23 Week Ultrasound

Today we had another ultrasound and got a chance to see little peanut again. Everything measured normally and looked great! The ultrasound technician said the baby weighed around 1 lb. 6 oz. The coolest part had to be when we got to see peanut looking right at us; he/she was looking right at us (we could see the lens of it's eye moving around) and even saw him/her blink! We got this great profile picture of the baby to take home with us. We think it's the cutest picture yet!

We have another check-up with the ob/gyn next Monday 4/19. Most likely it will be an uneventful visit, but if there is anything to report I'll post it here after our appointment. The only other news is that I am feeling the baby kick and move around every day, several times a day. Jason hasn't been able to feel the baby move yet, but we're hoping he can soon. He's being a very patient papa :)

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