Thursday, June 3, 2010

Our First Baby Shower and Weekend in Rochester

Two weeks ago, we had our baby shower in Rochester! I'm a little late posting this, but it's been a really busy couple of weeks. Jason and I traveled up with my mom on Friday night and when we got in, we had a big family meal Jason's mom and dad prepared for a bunch of the family. It was really nice to have all of us together: in addition to the three of us and Jason's parents were his brother Eric, sister-in-law Alaina, niece Becca, Alaina's mom Renee (who's like another mom-in-law to us), Grandma Joan and her partner George, and Grandma Fran. Strip steaks, baked potatoes and green beans, not to mention good conversation and some laughs, as always!

Then on Saturday, we had the big event! We had a Jack-and-Jill shower, so both men and women were there to enjoy the festivities. Many of our friends and family came out to celebrate the upcoming arrival of "peanut" and we all had a great time.

There were lots of presents to open and many wonderfully thoughtful gifts were given.

As per our request, there were only a couple of games that were played. One was just for the boys, which involved having them line up and see who could drink 2oz of grapefruit juice out of a bottle the fastest. It was a sight to be seen!

We had amazing food that day too. BBQ chicken and ribs on the grill, salt potatoes, and fresh corn from Virginia! Not to mention all of the yummy snacks beforehand, and a beautiful shower cake that was just as delicious.

And to top it all off, the weather was gorgeous! It looked like rain earlier in the day, but the sun shone all day instead. It was picture perfect.

There are so many more pictures I'd love to share from the day, but can't fit them all. Check out this link to see all of the pictures Alaina took at the shower:

Finally, we ended off on Sunday with a trip to the annual Lilac Festival and lunch at DiBellas (my favorite sandwich shop and a must-go place if you're ever in the Rochester area). Even though the lilacs had seen better days, we all had a fun time strolling the streets, eating Italian Ices, taking pictures at the Kodak smile benches, cheering on the 5K runners, and doing a little shopping at the vendors.

All in all, it was simply a wonderful weekend!

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