Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Our Long Island Baby Shower and Nephew Zach's 1st Birthday!

This past weekend we had a big celebratory weekend in Long Island. My mom and sister threw me a lovely baby shower with our family and friends and we all had a great time.

It was held at my sister's house in Floral Park and was very cozy and intimate. We got many wonderful gifts: a handmade quilt and sweater set, cute little outfits, books, bottles, our bedding set, and much more! We now have just about everything we need for little peanut's arrival.

There were lots of little touches with me in mind, including calla lilies in the flower arrangements, yummy Long Island food favorites, my mom's homemade mini carrot cakes, and a Ben & Jerry's ice cream cake with the cutest message! The favors were adorable too (but I don't have a picture handy): my mom and sister made lime scented soy candles that were just beautiful and smelled amazing!

It was great to see family and friends and it was special for so many people to travel so far for the occasion.

Also, it was great to have some little ones around too. My cousin Susan's baby Ryan is 3 months old...

...as is our friend Amy's baby Juniper.

It was so fun to see Jason holding a little babe. Of course he's all smiles!

And last but not least, my cutie nephew Zach was walking all around. He turns 1 tomorrow on June 30th!

It was a great day and I felt very loved and supported by so many wonderful people. It doesn't get much better than that!

Then on Sunday, we stayed in Long Island for our nephew Zach's first birthday party. The little guy is now walking around on his own and is quite the explorer! It was a really nice gathering with close family and a few close friends.

Zachie got lots of nice presents...

...and had his first taste of chocolate and ice cream for the second time ever!

It was a great weekend and we left Long Island very full from good food, friendship, and family love :)

1 comment:

Laina said...

Zack is such a cutie pie! So nice to see some pictures of this great weekend! Your tummy is much bigger than last time I saw you. WOW. You look great :) I love that little peanut bag. So cute! And the cake was adorable. Sorry I missed it :(